
Miss Missy Empress of the Universe

Friday, September 9, 2011

Making the Most of Play Time


I am writing today with some advice for your kitties so please be sure to let them know I have some insightful information for them!

We kitties love to play. We can be very creative with our games too--we are inventive and will tell you the rules if you "listen". You know, watch our body language, our facial expressions (yes, we do have them) our eyes and ears. Of course the rules are set up so we win. Our motto is "It's not how you play the game, it's how the kitty wins."

One of my favorite games is having mommy run around in front of me with one of my fishing poles (I have four). I love to chase the feathers or other pretty objects at the end of them. My favorite is a purple boa with a bell. I especially like to play with that one about 2 in the morning when I bring it up on the bed and wake mommy up. She's always good for a treat when I do that.  SHE thinks she is luring me out of the room with the treat.  My soul purpose is to get a treat. If she just put a barrel full of them out every morning I wouldn't need to wake her, but she is a poor human who thinks she's in charge. 

I also enjoy playing this game right before mommy leaves for work in the morning which brings me to my point -- making the most of play time.

You know these humans are always running off to work (whatever that is). Personally, except for when I was a kitten and hid in mom's purse and almost went to this work with her one day, I think she hangs out the big room she calls a garage and won't let me out into all day. Why though, I can't understand.

But with their always running to work or the store or some such, they don't have really enough time to entertain us, do they? So what I make sure I do every morning is follow mommy everywhere she goes. You can engage in all kinds of fun games in that short time--for instance:

Makeup -- those pretty brushes she uses to put a hint of color on her face? Makeup brushes? They make great toys to toss around and whop your brother with the end with the bristles. If you grab it just before your mother does and then run she has to chase you. It's great fun and you get to help her work out.

Tissues -- I enjoy eating a good tissue snack now and again but mommy doesn't think it's a good idea. But if you grab the end of one and run out of the room, pretending to eat it she has to chase you. The game is then on -- I call this one Keep Away -- keeping the tissue away from Mommy! (or daddy if that's what you have.)

Shoelaces -- when your mom or dad tries to tie them, grab the ends and pull. Bat at them and then they can't get their shoes on. It slows them way down so they have to pick up one of your other toys -- like my Mr. Mouse -- and dangle it in front of you till you start to play with that. You can get a good 2-3 minutes of playtime with your human just by pretending you want their shoelace.

When mom is running late it's the best time for play. There she is, trying to get out the door and I'm right there with her! She'll pick up a fishing pole and I'll sort of chase it -- but not leave the front of the door. Then she'll pick up Mr. Mouse or my catnip banana and scrunch it making that lovely catnip smell!  When she throws it I'll sort of run after it, but pretend it isn't interesting. Then the good part comes -- she'll give me (and my brother Bogie) some treats which we gobble up...but I rush back to the door just as she's getting there. By this time she's missed her bus at which point I think she should just stay home BUT then she runs to the big white box and pulls out whipped cream!  Our favorite.  We all get a spritz of it and while we're enjoying our morning snack she rushes out the door.

As you can see, I've gotten myself some fun play time, mommy got to enjoy my company and once again she is reminded I am the Empress of the Universe and therefore in charge!

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